New forthcoming Buick Audra album and lead single!


Hey there! I’m so glad to be able to share this news with you! The lead single from my forthcoming solo album is releasing on June 17th! The track is called “Afraid of Flying,” and I’ve been waiting a long time to sing it to you.

My new album, Conversations with My Other Voice, is a back-and-forth between a younger version of me and me now. The idea to make the record was inspired by five songs I didn't get to record in my previous solo music chapter; I thought I'd track them and quietly release them as an EP, but when I sat down with them again, I found that I wasn't the woman who wrote them anymore. The stories had changed, and so had my feelings about them. So, I wrote five songs in response and updated the perspectives. It ended up being a set of conversations, hence the title. A memoir-in-songs. “Afraid of Flying” is one of the original songs! The full album will release on September 23rd.

Photo by Anna Haas

I wrote “Afraid of Flying” during a Nashville blizzard; I was at the end of a years-long collaboration with another woman and was ready for the next chapter to begin. It’s about looking at what belongs to you from the pile of rubble and getting on down the road with it. If the courage and the songs were yours, take them with you. Leave the rest.

You’ll have the opportunity to get more of the story in the book of essays I’m publishing with the album!

Until then, pre-save the single if you’d like it in your new music feed the day it comes out.

This project has been a quiet dream for yeeears, waiting for its moment. Here she comes.

Thank you so much for being here,

Buick Audra

P.S. There are a couple of more essays in the Massachusetts Memories series if you’re not caught up! Enjoy!