Pre-order Resolution of Happiness // A Radical Resistance Compilation!
Buick Audra here. I'm beyond thrilled to say that you can now pre-order the Resolution of Happiness comp! It will be out on CD and digital download on 6/23, but you can pre-order it now and get one track ahead of time.
This project has been a massive labor of love by a community of musicians and artists who believe in uniting for change. The comp features music by nineteen bands and artists, a stunning cover illustration by Karen Mooney (aka "Moongerm"), impeccable mastering by Alex McCollough of True East Mastering, and graphics and layout by Veronica Leto and myself. It's really something.
The most important thing that I can say about it the comp is that it 100% benefits Lambda Legal, an organization that fights for the LGBTQ and HIV/AIDS communities. We must support this important work now more than ever.
We hope to have your support, and we certainly hope you enjoy the music.
Last, I'm heading out on tour with Friendship Commanders next week for about ten days of shows and other creative collaborations. Hope to see you out there!
With respect and PMA,